Imagine waking up with your family in your house.
It is nice to have your own private space with your loved ones that is your personal sanctuary.
As you get up and make breakfast for the kids, you are thinking about how to use the abundance of greens that are coming out of the garden right now that need to be used so you make a massive green smoothie for everyone.
Then the kids are out the door, walking to school which is just over the hill.
It feels great to actually have a say in what your kids are taught and the values and principles that are espoused in the schooling process.
You and your partner get to work for the day.
You are running your business online, so you dive into your workflow and Zoom meetings.
Your partner works in the community and heads out to the gardens to plan the next rotation of crops to cycle in and work on some repairs on the greenhouse.
After work is over, everyone heads to the community center.
It’s the weekly community dinner and you come together to break bread and connect.
After dinner, a couple people break out guitars and are singing while the kids are running around playing.
Everyone is looking forward to the DJ coming in for the weekend and the dance party in the jungle.
As you walk home, you connect with a dear friend and mastermind on the best way to build the new access road into the community that is up for discussion in the next village meeting on Sunday and how to resolve the tensions between the two most outspoken community members that have differing opinions.
Your partner and her friend are making plans to take all the kids to the beach on Sunday so the rest of the parents can get a break.
They are also discussing which doula to bring in for the new baby that is being born into the community next month, and what they can do to support the new family.
As you make your way down the trail back to your house your family goes to sleep feeling safe, nourished and connected.
How would you feel if this was a snapshot of your daily life?