My Story

"Arbeit" - I uttered my first words as I crawled through the dirt job site towards my Papa.

He was building our house on a farm in the middle of nowhere in southern Portugal. “Arbeit” means “work” in German and a tiny toolbox with tiny tools so I could help my Papa is still my favorite birthday present. To this day, building things is what I love to do most.

After immigrating to the United States, I started working when I was 14 painting houses. By the time I was 18, I had started hiring my friends to do work for me. We called the business “Hunks for Hire” and my brother and I wrote killer sales letters (before we knew what that was) full of sexual innuendos that had us booked solid.

The American entrepreneurial dream had me hooked. I have started a handful of businesses, non-profits, and local government initiatives in my 20’s. My digital marketing agency Magic was acquired in 2022 and I am now focused on building a new paradigm village in Costa Rica while doing some ops consulting helping conscious businesses scale.

I believe that business can be a spiritual game and that purpose driven business is the quickest way we can build a better world. In my free time you can find me doing Qi Gong, getting a crew together to do Wim Hof breathwork and ice water submersions, hosting Burning Man style dance parties, or ripping through the backcountry on my BMW 800GS dual sport motorcycle.